Bunker – Zurzach

Zurzach Castle – a bunker from the Second World War

In 1934, an engineer officers’ course dealt with the
Fortification of the bridgehead at the Zurzach crossing of the Rhine. Between
Between 1936 and 1939, a total of seven buildings were constructed at the Zurzach barrage site.

This bunker was completed on March 27, 1939 and soldiers of the Grenz-Mitrailleur-Kompanie IV/252 of Grenzbrigade 5 moved into it on August 29, 1939. A special feature of this bunker: the entrance can be seen from the enemy side!

The motto of Border Brigade 5 at the time was: “Hold to the last bullet!”.

The bunker weapons were set up in such a way that they could open fire on predetermined targets even at night and in fog. The bunker crew received the orders to fire from the section commanders outside the bunker by field telephone. During combat, the crew had to wear protective masks connected to the ventilation system by hoses because of the gunpowder vapor. The fighting compartment and recreation room were separated airtight by a metal hatch.

Every bunker was equipped in this way (water, food, ammunition),
that he was able to hold out autonomously for around three weeks. Withdrawal or abandonment were not planned.

Step inside!

We show you life in the bunker.

A joint effort by: Bad Zurzach Tourismus AG, Military Museum Full, Historical Association of the District of Zurzach.